Policy brief The challenge of zombie firms for insolvency procedures The term "zombie" companies appeared in the 1980s during the long economic stagnation in Japan, which was hit by a dual real estate and financial crisis. Many firms were able to remain on the market because of loans granted by banks, themselves in difficulty, and at interest rates too weak given their own financially risky situation. Published on : 16/10/2019 Temps de lecture 3 minutes Stagnation was fueled by this circular relationship between struggling banks which kept artificially alive zombie firms that were contributing to degrade the accounts of banks and of competing firms, and preventing a market cleansing process. Such a sequence does not seem to be at work in France. French banks have so far performed well, despite an environment of very low interest rates. In addition, the proportion of firms in difficulty that benefited from particularly low interest rates remained stable, at around 3% over the period 2006-2014. If the presence of zombie firms in France cannot be explained by the presence of zombie banks in the economy, it is necessary to verify the role played by the procedures available to heavily indebted companies. The purpose of this study is twofold. The first aim is to assess to what extent France is affected by the phenomenon of zombies. The second is to measure the effectiveness of the French insolvency regime in preventing the exit of viable firms from the market, and accompanying the market exit of non-viable firms. Zombies are defined as mature firms (ten years old at least) for which operating income does not cover their interest costs for three consecutive years. From 2013 to 2015, zombies accounted for 5.6% of all mature firms in France. A high proportion of zombies could alter the proper allocation of productive resources, which is one of the main drivers of productivity gains. The insolvency regime, whose principal role is to clean up the accounts of firms in difficulty, must be able to guide firms experiencing temporary difficulties towards procedures designed to avoid them bankruptcy, and speed up market exit for the zombies. Based on a large original sample of French firms, drawn from the matching of accounting information and data on insolvency, this note proposes a measure of the effectiveness of insolvency proceedings - turnaround and liquidation, excluding safeguard proceedings - in the selection of zombies to facilitate their market exit. The analysis leads to nuanced conclusions. On the one hand, only a small proportion of zombies fail: fewer than 7% in the year where they become zombies; 22% after three years. On the other hand, the most troubled zombies go bankrupt, of which more than half became zombies just two years before their failure. This indicates that market selection is at work in France through a relative rapid intervention of insolvency proceedings. The low presence of zombies in the French economy suggests as well that failure procedures are effective. Furthermore, since the early 2000s the growing weight of zombies in the French economy is too modest to have contributed substantially to the productivity slowdown. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement The challenge of zombie firms for insolvency procedures Read the full document in french PDF - 1 573.0 Ko Topics Entreprises Finances publiques Évaluation Published by France Stratégie Authors Haithem Ben Hassine Catherine Le Grand Claude Mathieu Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More 2024 Work Programme France Stratégie's 2024 work programme is structured around three key directions: a successful ecological planning; enabling the d... Evaluation Foresight Strategy Articles 17 April 2024 RSE | Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises Un million d’espèces animales et végétales sont menacées d’extinction. C’est un déclin de la biodiversité sans précédent dans l’hi... Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Entreprises RSE Infographie/datavisualisation 09 April 2020 Financial Innovation and The State - Lessons for 21st Century Climate Finance from the 19th Century Railways Era: Extended Summary By Dipak Dasgupta (Board Member of Global Climate Fun, India) - This paper seeks to bring a historical perspective to current glob... Climate change Public Finance Articles 01 October 2015
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