Policy brief How will water demand evolve between now and 2050? Floods in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, droughts in Pyrénées-Orientales: the year 2024 has not been spared from extreme events. The water cycle is now permanently affected by climate change, and conflicts over usage are emerging in the regions. Published on : 20/01/2025 Temps de lecture 2 minutes This study, commissioned in the fall of 2023 by the Prime Minister, examines the theoretical changes in water withdrawals and associated consumption between 2020 and 2050, i.e., the portion of withdrawals that evaporates, according to three prospective scenarios. The first, called “trend”, extends past trends. The second, called “public policy”, simulates the implementation of recently announced public policies. The third, called “disruptive”, is characterized by water sufficiency. Between 2020 and 2050, in the most unfavorable climate configuration studied, annual demand stagnates in the trend scenario (+1%) and decreases in the public policy (-24%) and disruptive (-47%) scenarios, particularly due to the decline in demand for energy production in the Rhône valley. The demand for irrigation increases sharply and becomes the majority. Unlike energy production, irrigation consumes the majority of the water withdrawn due to plant evapotranspiration. Consumption therefore increases substantially in the trend (+102%) and public policy (+72%) scenarios. In the latter scenario, they more than double in nearly a quarter of the catchment areas. Only the disruptive scenario limits the increase in consumption (+10% compared to 2020) in the most unfavorable climate configuration studied. With the increase in the share of agriculture in water abstraction, the demand for water will be more concentrated during the hottest months of the year, when the water resource is at its lowest in aquatic environments. An upcoming publication by France Stratégie will quantify the tensions between available water resources and this demand. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur X - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement How will water demand evolve between now and 2050? Download the analysis note 148 in french PDF - 2 289.8 Ko Download the report in french PDF - 5 049.5 Ko Download the graphical data from the report in french XLSX - 1 041.9 Ko Topics Changement climatique Alimentation/agriculture Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Published by France Stratégie Authors Hélène Arambourou Simon Ferrière Reference Reference Fermer Reference APA Arambourou, H., & Ferrière, S. (2025). Quelle évolution de la demande en eau d’ici 2050 ? La Note d’analyse, (148), France Stratégie. Copier MLA Arambourou, H., et Ferrière, S.. Quelle évolution de la demande en eau d’ici 2050 ? La Note d’analyse, no. 148, France Stratégie, janv. 2025. Copier ISO 690 ARAMBOUROU, H. et FERRIÈRE, S., 2025. Quelle évolution de la demande en eau d’ici 2050 ? La Note d’analyse. Janvier, n° 148. France Stratégie. Copier Autres options d'export Version FR More L’industrie est-elle plus carbonée en France qu’en Allemagne ? L'intensité carbone est le rapport entre le volume d’émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre − c’est-à-dire celles qui résulten... Changement climatique Industrie Note d’analyse 12 November 2024 RSE | Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises Un million d’espèces animales et végétales sont menacées d’extinction. C’est un déclin de la biodiversité sans précédent dans l’hi... Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Entreprises RSE Infographie/datavisualisation 09 April 2020 Report – Public Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity Public debate has sometimes tended to equate preservation of biodiversity with the emblematic fate of certain endangered species. ... Natural resources & biodiversity Report 14 October 2014
L’industrie est-elle plus carbonée en France qu’en Allemagne ? L'intensité carbone est le rapport entre le volume d’émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre − c’est-à-dire celles qui résulten... Changement climatique Industrie Note d’analyse 12 November 2024
RSE | Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises Un million d’espèces animales et végétales sont menacées d’extinction. C’est un déclin de la biodiversité sans précédent dans l’hi... Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Entreprises RSE Infographie/datavisualisation 09 April 2020
Report – Public Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity Public debate has sometimes tended to equate preservation of biodiversity with the emblematic fate of certain endangered species. ... Natural resources & biodiversity Report 14 October 2014