Policy brief What contribution can digital technology bring to decarbonisation? The level of carbon emissions attributed to the use of digital technologies is well documented. These emissions represent around 2.5% of France's carbon footprint. By 2030, in a projected scenario, such emissions should reach 25 MtCO2e, an increase of 45% compared with 2020, and electricity consumption attributable to the use of such equipment is expected to rise to 54 TWh, an increase of 5%. But what do we know about the contribution of digital technology to decarbonisation pathways? Published on : 18/07/2024 Temps de lecture 3 minutes This is a complex question, to which no comprehensive answer has yet been found. This paper explores the results of the research literature to quantify the decarbonisation potential of four selected use-cases in the strategic domains of energy and transport: smart grids, smart homes, teleworking and carpooling. While their potential is not negligible, overall these digital solutions appear to be modest in comparison with the current level of emissions in their respective sectors. Often constrained by rebound effects, the expected energy savings and emissions reductions remain largely hypothetical, requiring for the most part, changes in user behaviour. For instance the practice of teleworking by 10 millions active people for one day a week will enable to avoid between 1 and 4 MtCO2 per year, depending on their behaviour : and more flexible use of office spaces (flexoffice). In an optimisitc scenario, smart homes could reduce energy consumption by 20 TWh abd emissions by 4 tCO2 but, under less favorable assumptions, they could result to a net increase in these two quantities (+2 TWh and +01 MtCO2), given the footprint of the chosen solution. Methods for assessing the environmental impact of digital solutions need to be improved and, above all, shared between the stakeholders, beyond the four cases studied here for illustrative purposes. Reliable assessments of all the costs and benefits are needed to guide public decision-making effectively. The context in which these solutions are deployed must be taken into account in order to define their area of relevance. The useful and necessary promotion of digital solutions that can contribute to the ecological transition must not overshadow the major challenge of keeping the environmental impact of all digital uses under control. Transcription Fermer la transcription Reading : for the three uses other than smart grids, the scenarios identify assumptions that vary the solution’s efficiency gains on the one hand and the extent of rebound effects on the other, taking into account the solution’s footprint. These results have been estimated on the basis of the current French energy mix and the following deployment assumptions. • Carpooling: 2.1 million additional carpooling journeys per day (projection of the National Plan for “Carpooling for Everyday Life” – Government (2022), France Nation verte);• Teleworking: 1 day of teleworking per week for 10 million working people;• Smart home: equipping 30 million homes with an intelligent domestic heating system. The estimated gains from smart grids are taken from RTE (2017), Réseaux électriques intelligents, September. The figures on the potential gains in emissions from teleworking are taken from Ademe (2020), Etude sur la caractérisation des effets rebonds induits par le télétravail, September. Source: France Stratégie Téléchargement What contribution can digital technology bring to decarbonisation? Download the full document (in french) PDF - 485.1 Ko Download appendix PDF - 369.7 Ko Topics Changement climatique Numérique/IA Innovation Published by France Stratégie Authors Anne Faure Gauthier Roussilhe Reference Reference Fermer Reference Référence Faure A. et Roussilhe G. (2024), « Quelle contribution du numérique à la décarbonation ? », La Note d’analyse, n° 141, France Stratégie, juillet, 16 pages. Copier APA Faure, A., & Roussilhe, G. (s. d.). Quelle contribution du numérique à la décarbonation ? La Note d’analyse, Article 141. https://www.strategie.gouv.fr/publications/contribution-numerique-decarbonation Copier MLA Faure, Anne, et Gauthier Roussilhe. « Quelle contribution du numérique à la décarbonation ? » La Note d’analyse, 2024, p. 16, www.strategie.gouv.fr/publications/contribution-numerique-decarbonation. Copier ISO 690 FAURE, Anne et Gauthier ROUSSILHE. Quelle contribution du numérique à la décarbonation ? La Note d’analyse [en ligne]. 2024, 141. Disponible sur : https://www.strategie.gouv.fr/publications/contribution-numerique-decarbonation Copier Autres options d'export Version FR More Quelle évolution de la demande en eau d’ici 2050 ? Ce travail, commandé à l’automne 2023 par la Première ministre, étudie entre 2020 et 2050 les évolutions théoriques des prélèvemen... Changement climatique Alimentation/agriculture Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Note d’analyse 20 January 2025 L’industrie est-elle plus carbonée en France qu’en Allemagne ? L'intensité carbone est le rapport entre le volume d’émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre − c’est-à-dire celles qui résulten... Changement climatique Industrie Note d’analyse 12 November 2024 Séminaire Soutenabilités - Digital: new uses, new questions Although the social, economic, political and geopolitical consequences of the health crisis are only partially visible today, the ... Digital/IA Public action Study 10 February 2021
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