Infographics Companies commitment to gender equality CSR Skills/professions By implementing responsible practices that lead to a change in corporate culture, French multinational companies can advance women's rights around the world. The CSR Platform makes forty recommendations to mobilize them. Published on : 17/09/2019 Mis à jour le : 16/01/2025 Despite the progress made since the middle of the 20th century, women continue to suffer from discrimination on the grounds of gender in all regions of the world. The inequalities are particularly significant in the professional context. The facts – Worldwide Wage gap Women earn on average 20% less than men. Harassment Between 30% and 50% of women are victims of sexual harassment at work. Women leaders Only 4% of CEOs and presidents of boards of directors are women. The barriers to equality Restrictive legislation In 2018, 2.7 billion women worldwide do not have the same employment choices as men. Difficulties in gaining access to autonomy 2/3 of illiterate people in the world are women. Stereotypes Women spend 4 hours and 25 minutes in unpaid activities.At the current rate, it will take 209 years to close the gap with men.Only 35% of girls worldwide study science subjects. And yet… For the United Nations, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but also one of the pillars of sustainable development. Women represent half of humanity. Many studies show that more equality reduces poverty, promotes economic development and is a performance factor companies. The levers of action French companies represent 5.5 million employees abroad in more than 190 countries. They can contribute to the dissemination of responsible practices and a culture of gender equality, by promoting equal pay, women's hierarchical progression and the reporting of gender-based violence. Governance of the company Involve the company's general management and their local correspondents in the gender equality strategy and allocate the necessary resources to it. Social dialogue Promote the negotiation and monitoring of international framework agreements, with the support of the social partners. Co-construction Establish partnerships and involve all the company's stakeholders (NGOs, local women's associations, etc.) to co-construct the equality strategy. Supply chain Deploy equality actions among subsidiaries, suppliers, subcontractors and the entire sphere of influence of the company. Labelling and certification Engage in voluntary initiatives (labels, certifications, etc.) to mobilize internally and communicate externally. An environment conducive to employment Facilitate women's access to employment by taking action on health, safety and childcare. The fight against stereotypes The media and advertising, political discourse, education... and men have a role to play in the representation and visibility of women in the workplace. Download the summary PDF - 110.0 Ko Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier More Travailler dans la fonction publique : le défi de l'attractivité 15 % des postes offerts aux concours de la fonction publique d'Etat non pourvus en 2022, 21 % des lits de l'AP-HP fermés la même a... Compétences/métiers Travail Action publique France Stratégie 09 December 2024 RSE | Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises Un million d’espèces animales et végétales sont menacées d’extinction. C’est un déclin de la biodiversité sans précédent dans l’histoire humaine. Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles prendre leur part face à l’enjeu de ... Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Entreprises RSE Infographie/datavisualisation 09 April 2020 Quelles évolutions pour le prochain exercice français de prospective des métiers ? En vue de la préparation du prochain exercice de prospective nationale des métiers et qualifications (fin 2017), France Stratégie et la DARES réalisent actuellement un bilan de l’exercice précédent (à l’horizon 2022) à l... Emploi/chômage Compétences/métiers Prospective Autres contenus 13 March 2017
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