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  • Financing the Green Climate Fund
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    Vendredi 27 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    Financing the Green Climate Fund

    By Dr. Matthias Kroll - Based on "How central banks can contribute to staying below the 2°C benchmark by purchasing Green Climate Bonds.", Future Finance - Policy …
  • What happens if robots take the jobs?
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    Mardi 10 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    What Happens if Robots Take the Jobs? The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Employment and Public Policy

    Automation is appearing everywhere.
  • How robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning will affect employment and public policy
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    Mardi 10 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    How Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning will Affect Employment and Public Policy

    Emerging technologies like industrial robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are advancing at a rapid pace, but there has been little attention to their impact …
  • Environmental policy performance bonds
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    Lundi 09 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    Environmental policy performance bonds

    By Abdeldjellil Bouzidi, economist and Managing Partner, Emena Advisory and Michael Mainelli, Executive Chairman, Z/Yen Group - Linking public debt to CO2 emissions could …
  • Social Benefits in the Age of Uber
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    Lundi 02 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    Social Benefits in the Age of Uber

    By Jean Pisani-Ferry. When it comes to compensation, the company you work for often matters more than how good you are at what you do.
  • COP21 – Un moment de vérité pour le climat et le développement soutenable
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    Lundi 26 Octobre 2015
    English Articles

    COP21 – A Moment of Truth for the Climate and Sustainable Development

    The International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) circulated a position statement in the run-up to COP21.
  • Climate Finance in the Context of Sustainable Development
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    Jeudi 22 Octobre 2015
    English Articles

    Climate Finance in the Context of Sustainable Development

    By Ottmar Edenhofer, Jan Christoph Steckel and Michael Jakob