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  • Wielding the Weapon of Finance against Climate Change
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    Vendredi 11 Décembre 2015
    English Articles

    Wielding the Weapon of Finance Against Climate Change

    As the COP21 draws to a close in Paris at what may turn out to be a watershed in the fight against climate change, it is increasingly clear that finance has a major role to …
  • Thinking ‘eco-systemically’ to shift the trillions
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    Mercredi 02 Décembre 2015
    English Articles

    Thinking ‘Eco-Systemically’ to Shift the Trillions

    By Romain Morel and Ian Cochran – Institute for Climate Economics.
  • Trillions in Transition
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    Mercredi 02 Décembre 2015
    English Articles

    Trillions in Transition: Growing our Way out of Climate Change?

    By Prof. Dr. D.A. Loorbach and Drs. R. Lijnis Huffenreuter - Dutch Research Institute For Transitions, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Pour la reconnaissance d’une valeur sociale du carbone dans l’accord Climat
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    Mercredi 02 Décembre 2015
    English Articles

    To Recognize the Social Value of Mitigation Actions in a Climate Agreement

    By Dominique Finon , CNRS Research Director Emeritus; Researcher at the CIRED; World Bank Consultant on the impacts of carbon pricing on energy policies conducted in the …
  • Europe's Three Fault Lines
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    Mardi 01 Décembre 2015
    English Articles

    Europe's Three Fault Lines

    By Jean Pisani-Ferry. Ten or 20 years ago, the existential question facing the European Union was whether it still had a purpose in a globalized world.
  • systeme financier
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    Vendredi 27 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    Towards a Sustainable Financial System

    by Armin Haas. It will be key for the global sustainability transition that the measures taken in the respective sustainability dimensions, i.e.
  • istock_000027669354_small.jpg
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    Vendredi 27 Novembre 2015
    English Articles

    The Price of Carbon: Moving Forward in the Aftermath of COP 21

    Because the climate is a common good, economists generally advocate the use of an international carbon price to internalize climate risk, to incorporate as many countries as …