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Lundi 03 Octobre 2022
The green transition cannot be achieved without the mobilization of companies. The Climate and Resilience Act, enacted on August 22, 2021, entrusts skills operators (Opco) with the mission of "informing companies about the issues related to sustainable development and supporting them in their projects to adapt to the green transition, in particular through the analysis and definition of their skills needs." How does this new mission fit into their activities?
Les opérateurs de compétences au défi de la transition écologique - Image principale

Read the summary - Skills operators facing the challenge of the ecological transition

Téléchargez la note de synthèse - Les opérateurs de compétences au défi de la transition écologique 

The Réseau Emplois Compétences and the Observatoire national des emplois et métiers de l'économie verte (National Observatory of Jobs and Professions in the Green Economy) are providing some answers through a series of interviews conducted from October 2021 to April 2022 with technical managers (observatory, service offer to branches and companies) and some board members (presidency and general management) of the 11 skills operators.

But first, why were the Opco chosen for this mission? They are at the confluence of four essential stakeholders: social partners, professional branches, companies and employees. They have central means of action: technical support to professional branches, local service for the benefit of VSEs and SMEs, information on access to vocational training, etc. They are equipped to assess and anticipate changes in the labor market. Finally, by covering several professional branches, they constitute a first level of transversality and therefore a means of having a more comprehensive vision of the issues at stake while identifying problems on a detailed scale.

Most Opco governing bodies are aware of the challenges of the green transition for their members. A range of services now including these issues (impact studies, effective awareness-raising and support actions, etc.) are increasingly deployed. A positioning matrix and a booklet specify these tools and actions for each skills operator. However, mobilization is still limited at this stage: a mission whose content remains unclear; a long and incompressible action time; a lack of human and financial resources; a lack of maturity in terms of ”green” skills; and difficulties in reaching small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

From these meetings, completed by exchanges with other key players in the field of employment and training (France Compétences, Délégation générale à l'emploi et à la formation professionnelle, Réseau des Carif-Oref, etc.), we have drawn up a series of operational recommendations, both for Opco's (orientations n° 1 to 3) and for the public authorities (orientations n° 4 and 5)

Guideline n° 1: Make the green transition a corporate project and a collective/strategic project within Opco.

Guideline n° 2: Build a cross-sectional analysis of the impacts of the green transition for all the professional branches covered.

Guideline n° 3: To achieve a fine-tuned vision of territorial dynamics in order to offer local support.

Guideline n°4: Establish clear expectations between Opco and the State regarding this new mission.

Guideline n° 5: Ensure consistency between environmental and skills policies by establishing a dialogue between Opco and the State (ministries and competent operators) and more broadly at the interministerial level.

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Marième Diagne
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Anciens auteurs de France Stratégie
Marine Lecoeur, Travail, emploi, compétences
Sophie Margontier, Commissariat général au développement durable