Policy brief Policy Brief - Does Hydrogen Have a Place in the Energy Transition? Despite the image of the burning Hindenburg zeppelin that has remained in our collective memory since 1937, hydrogen continues to be held in exceptional esteem. Since its combustion produces only pure water, it is perceived as “clean” and viewed as a possible future replacement for hydrocarbons. Published on : 26/08/2014 Mis à jour le : 10/01/2025 Temps de lecture 2 minutes Germany, as part of its Energiewende, is counting on hydrogen to store massive quantities of intermittent energy from renewable sources (RES). The question has been raised whether this approach to energy transition is applicable in France. This policy brief provides a particularly cautious response. Today, hydrogen is only produced for industrial purposes using a process that emits CO2. Carbon-free generation of hydrogen is technically possible by electrolysing water, but the efficiency is poor and the costs are high. Using this approach to enhance the value of excess renewable energy risks increasing the price of electricity. There is ample enthusiasm in Germany for hydrogen powered vehicles, but it does not appear that they will be able to compete with combustion or electric powered vehicles for a long time because fuel cell technology is not yet mature. Additionally, the deployment of a distribution infrastructure would be quitecostly. We therefore recommend conducting further R&D work on electrolysers and fuel cells before considering their substantive or experimental deployment. An impact assessment of hydrogen solutions must take into account, among other things, the economic consequences on other energy sectors (gas, electricity, fuels) and the safety issues. Costs of Hydrogen Production Summary: Production cost remains high for carbon-free hydrogen energy Industrial uses of hydrogen Hydrogen energy: storing electricity Niche applications for hydrogen Medium and long term prospects Authors: Etienne Beeker, Sustainable Development Department Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement Policy Brief - Does Hydrogen Have a Place in the Energy Transition? Download the full document PDF - 997.1 Ko Topics Changement climatique Énergie Innovation Published by France Stratégie Authors Etienne Beeker Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Quelle évolution de la demande en eau d’ici 2050 ? Ce travail, commandé à l’automne 2023 par la Première ministre, étudie entre 2020 et 2050 les évolutions théoriques des prélèvemen... Changement climatique Alimentation/agriculture Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Note d’analyse 20 January 2025 L’industrie est-elle plus carbonée en France qu’en Allemagne ? L'intensité carbone est le rapport entre le volume d’émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre − c’est-à-dire celles qui résulten... Changement climatique Industrie Note d’analyse 12 November 2024 Les réseaux de distribution d'électricité dans la transition énergétique L’électricité est devenue un bien essentiel, pour ne pas dire vital. La transition vers une économie bas carbone en dépend. Le num... Énergie Numérique/IA Infographie/datavisualisation 28 November 2019
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