Policy brief How to scale up home energy retrofits The French recovery plan provides substantial additional public financing for energy-saving home improvements. In order to meet the objectives in terms of the number of energy retrofits, this policy brief proposes a mechanism to remove the main obstacles [1]. Energy retrofit operators (ERO) would finance and carry out the retrofit operations. They would be reimbursed by sharing the savings made on the energy bill with the owner occupier or the tenant (with a 75%/25% split). Published on : 20/10/2020 Temps de lecture 2 minutes A public guarantee would partially cover the operator’s loss when the operations turn not profitable. Households would not need to advance any costs, nor bear any risk related to defects and project management. The operators benefiting from the public guarantee would be selected by public tendering and a quality label would help increase visibility and trust among the general public. By strengthening the current third-party financing and energy performance contract schemes, the scheme would make it possible to target retrofits oering the best self-financing rate for an ambitious level of renovation. It would also optimise public aid by limiting it to the strictly necessary, largely thanks to a financial recovery clause. €7.5 billion of additional activity could be generated each year, i.e. 0.3 GDP points and 100,000 new jobs. At full capacity, the scheme would help reduce the country's CO2 emissions by 2.4%. The scheme could be adapted to public or corporate buildings and deployed in territories or districts in the form of "concerted renovation zones", in coordination with local authorities. Good incentives would guarantee simple and inexpensive administrative management of the scheme. Sustained low energy prices will continue to hamper the implementation of renovation work. In order to compensate for the resulting drop in profitability, clauses may be included that provide for a longer amortisation period and a lower level of energy savings passed on to households. In all cases, fuel oil should be excluded from post-renovation energy sources, in line with the objective of carbon neutrality by 2050. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier [1] For a detailed version, refer to the associated document: Aussilloux V. and Baïz A. (2020), "Accroître l'investissement dans la rénovation énergétique des logements du parc privé", Document de travail, n° 2020-14, France Stratégie, September. Téléchargement How to scale up home energy retrofits Read the full document PDF - 1 533.8 Ko Read the full document in french PDF - 1 478.1 Ko Topics Changement climatique Bâtiment/logement Published by France Stratégie Authors Adam Baïz Vincent Aussilloux Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Quelle évolution de la demande en eau d’ici 2050 ? Ce travail, commandé à l’automne 2023 par la Première ministre, étudie entre 2020 et 2050 les évolutions théoriques des prélèvemen... Changement climatique Alimentation/agriculture Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Note d’analyse 20 January 2025 L’industrie est-elle plus carbonée en France qu’en Allemagne ? L'intensité carbone est le rapport entre le volume d’émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre − c’est-à-dire celles qui résulten... Changement climatique Industrie Note d’analyse 12 November 2024 More Political Economy on Global Warming – Plus a Proposition Michel Aglietta (CEPII) and Étienne Espagne (CEPII) draw six political economy lessons from the dynamics of climate negotiations a... Climate change Articles 15 September 2015
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