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  • Possible
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    Lundi 29 Mai 2017
    English Articles

    The reform agenda France needs

    The new French President’s success in carrying through the reforms the country needs over the next five years could have consequences for at least a generation, if not more.
  • La transformation numérique de l’École en Estonie et en France
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    Lundi 22 Mai 2017
    English Articles

    Education in Estonia: Bolstering Excellence with Digital Technology

    Modern education in advanced capitalist democracies is intended to be the great leveller for the social classes.
  • Brexit et le budget de l'UE
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    Lundi 22 Mai 2017
    English Articles

    Seminar - Brexit and the EU Budget

    Although it was not the focus of much debate during the Brexit campaign, the question of the “bill” related to the United Kingdom’s departure from the EU is a key issue …
  • Projecting the Jobs and Skills of Tomorrow:  Developments in Occupational Outlooks
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    Jeudi 04 Mai 2017
    English Articles

    Projecting the Jobs and Skills of Tomorrow: Developments in Occupational Outlooks

    Perhaps the main preoccupation of governments the world over is ensuring their economies are up to speed and continue to grow, staying on top of technological change and …
  • Le cybertariat
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    Vendredi 28 Avril 2017
    English Articles

    Cybertariat: The Digital Economy’s Underbelly

    Information technology and the digital economy built on it have without a doubt improved our lives in many ways, saving time and sparing drudgery for many.
  • Spending While Liberalizing: Boosting Reforms Through Fiscal Stimulus
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    Mardi 04 Avril 2017
    English Articles

    Spending While Liberalizing: Boosting Reforms Through Fiscal Stimulus

    Eight decades ago in the depths of the Great Depression, John Maynard Keynes sparked a revolution with the idea that aggregate demand driven by households, businesses and …
  • The Spinelli Fund: A European Compact for Skills
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    Mardi 14 Mars 2017
    English Articles

    The Spinelli Fund: A European Compact for Skills

    The European Union will survive if and only if its citizens experience in concrete ways how it makes a difference in their daily lives.