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  • Comment la France se compare-t-elle en matière d'emploi public ?
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    Mardi 06 Février 2018
    English Articles

    The Public Sector in the Balance

    France Stratégie has carried out an extensive and detailed comparison of the different aspects of the public expenditures of 19 advanced economies.
  • Le travail au 21ème siècle : Conversation avec Matthew Taylor
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    Mercredi 24 Janvier 2018
    English Articles

    Good Work Wanted - The UK reviews how to right the 21st century workplace

    The Good Work review the RSA’s Matthew Taylor conducted for the UK government in 2017 is a blueprint for how the country’s public and private sectors can help ensure UK …
  • Le marché du travail allemand : quels défis ?
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    Lundi 15 Janvier 2018
    English Articles

    The Reality Behind the German Jobs Miracle

    The fact the far-right eurosceptic party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) secured 94 seats in the Bundestag in the September 2017 federal elections, becoming the …
  • Sécuriser les investissements bas-carbone-ok
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    Mercredi 13 Décembre 2017
    English Articles

    Ensuring the Profitability of Long-Term Investments: A Critical Issue in Reaching the Paris Agreement Climate Goals

    The Paris Agreement was a diplomatic success and provided the global fight against climate change with much-needed impetus.
  • La COP 23 sous présidence fidjienne. Attention danger
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    Mardi 12 Décembre 2017
    English Articles

    Danger to Planet Stressed as Fiji Presides over COP23

    Not only are the years 2015, 2016 and 2017 set to be the three hottest years ever recorded, but they have been punctuated by extreme weather events
  • Les migrations professionnelles en France
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    Jeudi 30 Novembre 2017
    English Articles

    France Struggles to Attract Foreign Workers

    Though the 2015 European refugee crisis had the merit of sparking widespread debate across Europe on the role of migrants in society, media coverage created the false …
  • Le Fonds Spinelli : un pacte européen pour les compétences
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    Jeudi 16 Novembre 2017
    English Articles

    The Spinelli Fund: A European Compact for Skills

    Europe’s contribution to the future prosperity and equity of our societies can be significant if it successfully encourages long-term investment in human capital.