Is manufacturing more carbon-intensive in France than in Germany? Read more about Is manufacturing more carbon-intensive in France than in Germany?
How will water demand evolve between now and 2050? Read more about How will water demand evolve between now and 2050?
More Political Economy on Global Warming – Plus a Proposition Tue 15/09/2015 - 12:00 Michel Aglietta (CEPII) and Étienne Espagne (CEPII) draw six political economy lessons from the dynamics of climate negotiations and their connection to the new macroeconomic normal that has emerged in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. A specific proposal follows.
Reorienting Financial Intermediation Towards Sustainable Financing: Bangladesh Bank’s approach Wed 16/09/2015 - 12:00 By M.A.M. Kazemi - The Bangladesh central bank (Bangladesh Bank or BB) has a long tradition of favouring socially sustainable financing behaviour. It was thus natural to extend its mission to the question of climate change mitigation and adaptation investments, both internally and externally in the global financial system.
Guideposts for Low Carbon Finance Thu 17/09/2015 - 12:00 By Billy Pizer (Duke University) - Four guideposts for efficient low carbon finance: remove subsidies for high-carbon technologies, improve the cost-effectiveness of low-carbon subsidies, encourage private sector innovation and maintain transparent public policy tools that support cost-benefit accounting.
Positive Pricing of Carbon Reduction: A Low Hanging Fruit Tue 22/09/2015 - 12:00 Alfredo Sirkis (Centro Brasil no Clima) - This article is part of a special series discussing the economic dimensions of environmental issues ahead of the COP 21 Climate change Conference held in Paris on 30 November-11 December 2015.
Financial Innovation and The State - Lessons for 21st Century Climate Finance from the 19th Century Railways Era: Extended Summary Thu 01/10/2015 - 12:00 By Dipak Dasgupta (Board Member of Global Climate Fun, India) - This paper seeks to bring a historical perspective to current global financial architecture issues on the speed and scale of climate finance needed to achieve a safer two degrees world. We look back in history to a similar episode for lessons: the financing and building of railroads in the 19th century.
Climate Finance in the Context of Sustainable Development Thu 22/10/2015 - 12:00 By Ottmar Edenhofer, Jan Christoph Steckel and Michael Jakob.
Environmental policy performance bonds Mon 09/11/2015 - 12:00 By Abdeldjellil Bouzidi, economist and Managing Partner, Emena Advisory and Michael Mainelli, Executive Chairman, Z/Yen Group - Linking public debt to CO2 emissions could give governments a strong incentive to deliver on climate change action.
Financing the Green Climate Fund Fri 27/11/2015 - 12:00 By Dr. Matthias Kroll - Based on "How central banks can contribute to staying below the 2°C benchmark by purchasing Green Climate Bonds.", Future Finance - Policy Brief No. 1, 4/2015