Growth Declines Are Often Abrupt Fri 18/09/2015 - 12:00 In the 1960s, France’s economy was growing fast. Having successfully recovered from World War II, it had embarked on comprehensive modernisation. New cities were built to accommodate massive migration from the countryside, ambitious transport and communication infrastructure programmes were rolled out, consumer durable industries were booming and innovative new products were being launched. By Jean Pisani-Ferry
Entrusted Outsourcing, Productive Performance and Risks Read more about Entrusted Outsourcing, Productive Performance and Risks
2017/2027 - Capitalizing on the Digital Revolution Read more about 2017/2027 - Capitalizing on the Digital Revolution
NPB | A working group devoted to questions related to productivity In order to support and expand the debates within the National Productivity Board (NPB), a working group devoted to questions related to productivity was launched. The latter is made up of representatives from France Stratégie, INSEE, the Treasury Department, DARES, Bank of France and academics recognized in their field of expertise. The debates are moderated by the general rapporteur of the NPB, Alain Durré. The president of the NPB, Natacha Valla, and her members welcome the creation of this working group because it will constitute a substantial source of inspiration to allow the NPB to consolidate its analytical capacities and the circulation of its opinions.
First report - Productivity and competitiveness: where does France stand in the Euro zone? Read more about First report - Productivity and competitiveness: where does France stand in the Euro zone?
Convergence: Renewing the Promise of the EU Tue 16/01/2018 - 12:00 The European Union’s raison d’être is guaranteeing its citizens a lasting peace. This ultimately hinges on its member states enjoying a shared economic prosperity – the operative word being ‘shared’.
Better but Not Good Enough - The OECD surveys France Thu 14/09/2017 - 12:00 The free-market orthodoxy advocated across Europe after the 2008-09 financial crisis of reducing the size of government when people weren’t spending and companies weren’t investing was questionable at best. Indeed, it was decried for years by renowned economists such as Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz and Yanis Varoufakis. Fast forward eight years and governments and international organizations can point to renewed growth when advocating cutting back on public services.
The effects of the Covid-19 crisis on productivity and competitiveness - Second report Read more about The effects of the Covid-19 crisis on productivity and competitiveness - Second report
The role of human capital in the productivity slowdown in France Read more about The role of human capital in the productivity slowdown in France
Productivity and competitiveness: post-Covid cyclical and structural analyses - Third report of National Productivity Council Read more about Productivity and competitiveness: post-Covid cyclical and structural analyses - Third report of National Productivity Council