Policy brief 2017/2027 - Capitalizing on the Digital Revolution The text that follows is an English adaptation of the working paper on the digital revolution and how France and Europe can best capitalize on it. Published on : 24/03/2016 Temps de lecture 1 minute In less than the span of a decade not only has digital technology transformed the way we access information and go about our daily lives, it has also reshaped entire sectors of the economy. The question is what will happen in the coming decade, from 2017-2027. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) will likely continue to refashion our societies, impacting an increasing number of goods and services, including in the public sector. They will keep simplifying, optimizing, and transforming organisations across the board. The consequences of this are vast, and the stakes are high for the French economy. France needs to be a catalyst for digital change if it is to lead and not follow. Yet the country finds itself in a potentially tricky situation: despite its infrastructure, engineers and high user penetration, it is third from last when it comes to digital development in the EU-15 (Graphique). To turn this situation around before it becomes a handicap, France needs to lay out collective goals and principles and provide a framework that fosters innovation and backs new developments. The digital economy’s potential places it at the nexus of French society in the 21st century, making it a crucial issue to be debated in 2017. Téléchargement 2017/2027 - Capitalizing on the Digital Revolution Read the summary PDF - 1 666.3 Ko Topics Numérique/IA Productivité Compétitivité Published by France Stratégie Authors Julia Charrié Lionel Janin Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Séminaire Soutenabilités - Digital: new uses, new questions Although the social, economic, political and geopolitical consequences of the health crisis are only partially visible today, the ... Digital/IA Public action Study 10 February 2021 Les réseaux de distribution d'électricité dans la transition énergétique L’électricité est devenue un bien essentiel, pour ne pas dire vital. La transition vers une économie bas carbone en dépend. Le num... Énergie Numérique/IA Infographie/datavisualisation 28 November 2019 Crise Covid et essor des outils numériques Face à la pandémie, les outils numériques ont été spontanément et massivement mobilisés. La crise a accéléré des tendances déjà pr... Numérique/IA Infographie/datavisualisation 05 February 2021
Séminaire Soutenabilités - Digital: new uses, new questions Although the social, economic, political and geopolitical consequences of the health crisis are only partially visible today, the ... Digital/IA Public action Study 10 February 2021
Les réseaux de distribution d'électricité dans la transition énergétique L’électricité est devenue un bien essentiel, pour ne pas dire vital. La transition vers une économie bas carbone en dépend. Le num... Énergie Numérique/IA Infographie/datavisualisation 28 November 2019
Crise Covid et essor des outils numériques Face à la pandémie, les outils numériques ont été spontanément et massivement mobilisés. La crise a accéléré des tendances déjà pr... Numérique/IA Infographie/datavisualisation 05 February 2021