Report Occupations in 2030 Occupations in 2030 provides a quantified outlook for occupations by 2030. Given the major past trends, the foreseen changes (demographic, economic, technological and environmental) and the expected impact of the Covid- 19 crisis, this exercise seeks to answer three questions: how many jobs will be created in the various occupations? what recruitment needs will be, considering the number of retirements? and lastly, what potential skill mismatches by occupation may be anticipated if no effort is made to correct the gap between recruitment needs and the flow of young people who have completed initial training? Published on : 10/03/2022 Temps de lecture 2 minutes For a given occupation, job openings (or recruitment needs) by 2030 result both from the number of job gains and losses– that change the current workforce – and jobs vacated by senior workers. Some of these recruitment needs will be met by young people who have completed their initial training and are starting out in the occupation. Comparing recruitment needs and young entrants can highlight potential imbalances in certain occupations. There may be more job vacancies than identified labour resources or, conversely, the number of young people entering an occupation may exceed the number of job vacancies. Recruitment needs not met by young people entering employment by 2030 can be met by people already in employment and coming from other occupations, jobseekers or, to a lesser extent, by inactive people re-entering the labour market and new immigrants. On the contrary, imbalances can be increased by mobility to other occupations, departures from employment to unemployment or inactivity in certain occupations: this is illustrated in figure A on the next page. To ensure the overall consistency of employment projections by occupation, Occupations in 2030 draws on a baseline macroeconomic scenario derived from sectoral modelling of the economy. This scenario is primarily based on demographic and macroeconomic trends, particularly the active population, the productivity gains, the international context (excluding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict) and the policies implemented (only those already decided on are taken into account). As a result of the pandemic, it also incorporates increased household preference for healthcare and a continuing use of telework which reduces mobility and the use of public places. Several alternative scenarios are also considered as variants. The “low-carbon” scenario makes it possible to meet the objectives of the national low-carbon strategy (NLCS) by 2030, in particular through a substantial acceleration of investment (see inset below for a description of the main differences between the baseline scenario and the low-carbon scenario). The “Covid+” scenario assumes a stronger impact of the pandemic on social distancing by 2030. In total, in the baseline scenario, 1 million jobs would be created between 2019 and 2030, which would lead to a gradual decline in structural unemployment. This decrease is consistent with the path chosen by the Pension Orientation Council (COR). Téléchargement Occupations in 2030 Read the summary PDF - 1 315.2 Ko Read the full document in french PDF - 6 229.1 Ko Topics Emploi/chômage Compétences/métiers Prospective Published by France Stratégie Authors Cécile Jolly Jean Flamand Boris Le Hir Martin Rey Alexis Eidelman Camille Cousin Aurore Desjonqueres Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Travailler dans la fonction publique : le défi de l'attractivité 15 % des postes offerts aux concours de la fonction publique d'Etat non pourvus en 2022, 21 % des lits de l'AP-HP fermés la même a... Compétences/métiers Travail Action publique Rapport 09 December 2024 2024 Work Programme France Stratégie's 2024 work programme is structured around three key directions: a successful ecological planning; enabling the d... Evaluation Foresight Strategy Articles 17 April 2024 RSE | Engagement des entreprises en faveur de l’égalité femmes-hommes En instaurant des pratiques responsables conduisant à un changement de culture d’entreprise, les firmes multinationales françaises... RSE Compétences/métiers Infographie/datavisualisation 17 September 2019
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