2024 Work Programme

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10 months 1 week
France Stratégie's 2024 work programme is structured around three key directions: a successful ecological planning; enabling the development of a productive economy moving towards full employment; and leading a renewed public action towards a fairer society.

Companies commitment to gender equality

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8 months 2 weeks
By implementing responsible practices that lead to a change in corporate culture, French multinational companies can advance women's rights around the world. The CSR Platform makes forty recommendations to mobilize them.

Electricity distribution networks in the energy transition

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8 months 2 weeks
Electricity has become an essential asset. The transition to a low-carbon economy as well as a digital economy frankly depends on it. Yet power systems are facing new challenges: the decentralization of production, and the integration of renewable energies, the arrival of "smart grids," and new uses such as the electric vehicle.

Corporate biodiversity footprint

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8 months 2 weeks
One million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. This decline in biodiversity is unprecedented in human history. How can companies play their part in addressing the challenge of preserving species, and better consider their impact on biodiversity? The CSR Platform has identified good practices that could be generalized.

Covid crisis and boom digital tools

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8 months 2 weeks
To face the effects of the pandemic, digital tools were spontaneously and massively mobilised. The crisis has accelerated the existing trends and has led to the emergence of other perspectives. It appears as a door open to the future of our societies.

On overview of the conclusions drawn by the evaluation committee

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8 months 2 weeks
The law on economic growth and activity (“Loi pour la croissance et l'activité”) is designed to create the conditions for a rebound in French economic and employment growth. Assessing the potential effects of its main legal provisions is thus important to ensure that the debate -including in Parliament- is conducted in an objective manner.

Central bank advocacy of structural reform: why and how?

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8 months 2 weeks
Forthcoming in European Central Bank (2015), Inflation and Unemployment in Europe, Proceedings of the ECB Forum on Central Banking, Frankfurt am Main.

More Political Economy on Global Warming – Plus a Proposition

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8 months 2 weeks
Michel Aglietta (CEPII) and Étienne Espagne (CEPII) draw six political economy lessons from the dynamics of climate negotiations and their connection to the new macroeconomic normal that has emerged in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. A specific proposal follows.

Reorienting Financial Intermediation Towards Sustainable Financing: Bangladesh Bank’s approach

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8 months 2 weeks
By M.A.M. Kazemi - The Bangladesh central bank (Bangladesh Bank or BB) has a long tradition of favouring socially sustainable financing behaviour. It was thus natural to extend its mission to the question of climate change mitigation and adaptation investments, both internally and externally in the global financial system.

Guideposts for Low Carbon Finance

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8 months 2 weeks
By Billy Pizer (Duke University) - Four guideposts for efficient low carbon finance: remove subsidies for high-carbon technologies, improve the cost-effectiveness of low-carbon subsidies, encourage private sector innovation and maintain transparent public policy tools that support cost-benefit accounting.