
Covid crisis and boom digital tools

To face the effects of the pandemic, digital tools were spontaneously and massively mobilised. The crisis has accelerated the existing trends and has led to the emergence of other perspectives. It appears as a door open to the future of our societies.

Published on : 05/02/2021

Mis à jour le : 16/01/2025

More information about the event on 11th of February The Covid-19 crisis and dependence 
on digital means- a crossroads between the Netherlands and France

A recrod growth in teleconsultation

While they represented only 1% of medical consultations before the health crisis, teleconsultations experienced a real boom during the first lockdown, as reflected by the following examples figures from the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM).

  • 2019
    60 000 teleconsultations
  • 2020
    500 000 weekly teleconsultations

In April 2020, the number of teleconsultations peaked at 4.52 million, compared with around 25,000 in December 2019.

A massive but uneven recourse in teleworking

5 million people in employment teleworked during the confinement period in France according to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration. A massive recourse to teleworking... but unevenly practised.

39% of employed workers report that their current profession cannot be teleworked while 36% say they can telework without difficulty.

Being able to telework is very much linked to social category: 58% of executives and intermediate professions teleworked during the first confinement, compared to 20% of employees and 2% of workers, according to INSEE.

Distance learning and digital divide

According to the National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) survey, during the first lockdown, one third of French households have supported at least one child attending school in normal circumstances ...

.... without the necessary digital tools for a certain number of households, according to INSEE.

The care of children has been provided more by women: overall, 83% of women living with children have spent more than 4 hours a day compared to 57% of men.

Containment and evolution of Internet traffic

The lockdown in spring 2020 had a severe impact on the use of broadband and networks. During this period, Internet traffic of French households increased by 30% according to ARCEP..

The French spent much more time online. Traffic on social media has experienced a strong increase over the period: +121% and +155% in March and April 2020, compared with the same months in 2019.

The number of cyber-attacks victims increased fourfold between 2019 and 2020 according to the National Agency for Information Systems Security.
