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  • L’avenir de la voiture électrique se joue-t-il en Chine ?
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    Mardi 23 Octobre 2018
    English Articles

    Does China hold the Key to the Future of the Electric Car?

    In the rapidly growing race among electric vehicle manufacturers across the world, China is a power to be reckoned with.
  • Les seniors, l'emploi et la retraite
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    Jeudi 04 Octobre 2018
    English Articles

    Older workers, employment and retirement

    The rules of the pension system have a strong impact on the activity of older workers, but the effect on job retention or return to employment is far from mechanical.
  • Les bénéfices d'une meilleure autonomie numérique
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    Lundi 03 Septembre 2018
    English Articles

    Equal Opportunity Online

    France Stratégie puts a figure on the cost to France’s economy of 14 million French citizens having few or no online skills and assesses the benefits of improving the …
  • depensespubliques635.jpg
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    Lundi 23 Juillet 2018
    English Articles

    Reducing the Weight of Public Spending: Lessons from European Countries

    At 56.4% of GDP in 2017, public expenditures in France are the highest in the European Union and 10 percentage points above the European average.
  • Les politiques publiques en faveur des véhicules à très faibles émissions
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    Mardi 26 Juin 2018
    English Articles

    Government Policy in Favour of Ultra-low Emission Vehicles

    The advent of the electric vehicle represents a major challenge for sustainable development policy; it is also an industrial opportunity that France should pursue.
  • Intelligence artificielle et travail
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    Mardi 12 Juin 2018
    English Articles

    Bane or Boon: Artificial Intelligence and the Workforce

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to change the job market as we know it. But should it be viewed as a threat to workers or an opportunity to seize on?
  • Migration et mobilité au sein de l’Union européenne
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    Lundi 30 Avril 2018
    English Articles

    Redressing the EU’s Migration Quandary - Brussels-based think tank Bruegel tackles the bloc’s thorniest issue

    The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, recorded an 83% drop in refugees and migrants fleeing north across the Mediterranean to Europe over the past two years, down to 172,300 last …