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  • Avis - Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises
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    Mardi 24 Mars 2020
    English Articles

    Corporate Biodiversity Footprint

    The CSR Platform was asked by Emmanuelle Wargon, Secretary of State to the Minister of Ecological Transition and Solidarity to study how to take into account the biodiversity …
  • Quelle influence du diplôme sur la participation au marché du travail ?
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    Mercredi 04 Mars 2020
    English Articles

    What influence does a diploma have on labour market participation?

    In thirty-five years, the participation rate of twenty-five to sixty-four year olds has increased by 7.2 points in France to reach 80.1% in 2018.
  • image_principale.png
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    Mercredi 19 Février 2020
    English Articles

    Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of the PACTE Act - Methodological report

    Act No.
  • Vingt ans d’évaluations d’impact en France et à l’étranger - Analyse comparée des pratiques dans six pays
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    Mercredi 19 Février 2020
    English Articles

    Public policy impact assessment: what can France learn from the most advanced countries?

    The aim of impact assessment is to evaluate, using statistical methods, the specific effects of a public policy compared with its stated objectives.
  • Dispositifs universels de soutien au revenu des ménages modestes : protection contre la pauvreté et incitation à l’activité depuis 2000
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    Lundi 17 Février 2020
    English Articles

    Protection against poverty and monetary gains at work over the last 20 years

    With the creation of the Revenu minimu d’insertion (or RMI, a guaranteed minimal income) in 1988, France established a universal solidarity scheme aimed at protecting its …
  • Quelle souveraineté économique européenne ?
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    Mardi 11 Février 2020
    English Articles

    Redifining the European Union’s economic sovereignty

    China and the United States, especially, do not separate economic interests from geopolitical interests in the same way the EU does.
  • Comité d’évaluation des réformes de la fiscalité du capital - Premier rapport
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    Jeudi 23 Janvier 2020
    English Articles

    Opinion of the evaluation committee on capital tax reforms

    The Committee for the Evaluation of Capital Tax Reforms was set up in December 2018-one year after the launch of the major renovation of capital taxation carried out by the …