Video 1st CompNet Data Users' Conference Macroeconomics France Stratégie hosted the 1st CompNet Data Users' Conference on October 8th -9th. This conference was organized jointly with CompNet and the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). Users of CompNet presented their research results, discussed data quality and shared experiences. Published on : 08/10/2019 Mis à jour le : 10/01/2025 Transcription Fermer la transcription Video report - 1st CompNet Data Users' Conference The CompNet database allows researchers to document the heterogeneity of firms in the economy, their trends, behaviour and productivity. This heterogeneity is a crucial complement to the traditional macroeconomic indicators that are still widely used. It illustrates that productivity and other important determinants of economic performance are not fully understood when the underlying characteristics of the data distribution are not taken into account. The issues affecting the working of a modern economy justify different approaches and data than those taken in the past. Researchers working on issues related to productivity, innovation, investment and competitiveness are increasingly using data at the microeconomic level. However, micro-data are often difficult to obtain, expensive and differ from one country to another. The CompNet network was created in order to overcome the difficulties encountered by researchers in accessing individual data from companies in many European countries. It also makes it possible to harmonize the data thus allowing cross-country comparisons. Les questions de l'économie moderne justifient des approches différentes de celles empruntées par le passé. Si les indicateurs macroéconomiques sont largement disponibles et donnent une vue d'ensemble des économies des différents pays, la situation sur le terrain est beaucoup plus hétérogène. Différents niveaux d'agrégation des données conduisent à constater des évolutions différentes. Cela illustre que la productivité et d'autres déterminants importants de la performance économique ne sont pas complètement appréhendés lorsqu'on ne prend pas en compte les caractéristiques sous-jacentes de la distribution des données. De ce fait, les chercheurs travaillant sur les questions liées à la productivité, à l'innovation, à l'investissement et à la compétitivité utilisent de plus en plus des données à un niveau microéconomique. Or, les micro-données sont souvent difficiles à obtenir, coûteuses et diffèrent d'un pays à l'autre. C’est notamment pour dépasser les difficultés que rencontrent les chercheurs dans l’accès aux données individuelles des entreprises de nombreux pays européens que le réseau CompNet s’est constitué. Il permet également de contourner les limites en termes de comparabilité de ces données d’un pays à l’autre. Avec la participation de : Filippo di Mauro, président de CompNet ; Vincent Aussilloux, directeur du département Économie, France Stratégie Philippe Martin, Sciences Po & CEPR Jan Karol Teresinski, Institut universitaire européen Lian Allub, CAF Emanuele Forlani, Université Bocconi Richard Bräuer, IWH, VU Amsterdam & CompNet Antoine Berthou, Banque de France Laszlo Tetenyi, New York University Ladislav Wintr, Banque centrale du Luxembourg Eric Bartelsman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Daniele Aglio, Koç University Paloma López-Garcia, BCE Luke Rehill, Government of Ireland – Department of Finance Matthias Mertens, IWH & CompNet Paloma Lopez-Garcia, BCE Helena Schweiger, BERD Raphael Lee, INSEE – CREST – Polytechnique Peter Haug, IWH & CompNet Tibor Lalisnký, NBS & CompNet Gianluca Santoni, CEPII Gilbert Cette, Banque de France Behzod Alimov, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Università degli Studi di Torino Mathilde Viennot, France Stratégie Fadi Hassan, Banque d’Italie Maurin Laurent, Banque européenne d’investissement Laszlo Tetenyi, New York University Jan Karol Teresinski, Institut universitaire européen Richard Bräuer, IWH, VU Amsterdam, & CompNet Francesco Manaresi, Paris School of Economics Tina Zumer, BCE Gaetano D'Adamo, Commission européenne Donwnload file | The 7th Vintage of the CompNet Dataset PDF - 568.9 Ko Donwnload file | Total factor productivity and the terms of trade, Jan Teresi´nski PDF - 1 788.4 Ko Donwnload file | It Takes More Than A Moment: Revisiting The Link Between Firm Productivity and Aggregate Exports, G.Barba Navarettia , M.Bugamellib , E. Forlanic , G. Ottavianod PDF - 736.5 Ko Donwnload file | Employment protection and firm-level job reallocation: Adjusting for coverage, Ladislav Wintr PDF - 844.6 Ko Donwnload file | Micro-based dataset for collective bargaining and productivity analysis, Daniele Aglio PDF - 1 076.0 Ko Donwnload file | Globalisation, productivity and the labour share, Luke Rehill PDF - 899.4 Ko Donwnload file | The effect of the single currency on exports: comparative firm-level evidence, Tibor Lalinský PDF - 698.5 Ko Donwnload file | Private debt, public debt, and capital misallocation, Behzod Alimov PDF - 355.5 Ko Donwnload file | Trade, Misallocation, and Capital Market Integration, Laszlo Tetenyi PDF - 155.2 Ko Donwnload file | GMM across Unmerged Data Sets, Richard Bräuer PDF - 481.9 Ko Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier More On overview of the conclusions drawn by the evaluation committee The law on economic growth and activity (“Loi pour la croissance et l'activité”) is designed to create the conditions for a rebound in French economic and employment growth. 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On overview of the conclusions drawn by the evaluation committee The law on economic growth and activity (“Loi pour la croissance et l'activité”) is designed to create the conditions for a rebound in French economic and employment growth. Assessing the potential effects of its main le... Macroeconomics Articles 23 February 2015
Central bank advocacy of structural reform: why and how? Forthcoming in European Central Bank (2015), Inflation and Unemployment in Europe, Proceedings of the ECB Forum on Central Banking, Frankfurt am Main. Macroeconomics Articles 02 September 2015
An Investment Climate for Climate Investment By Sam Fankhauser (Grantham Research Institute - London School of Economics) - Three factors hold back low-carbon investment in Europe: the risk/return profile of low-carbon investment projects, regulatory and behavioura... Energy Mobility Macroeconomics Articles 22 September 2015