Electricity distribution networks in the energy transition

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8 months 3 weeks
Electricity has become an essential asset. The transition to a low-carbon economy as well as a digital economy frankly depends on it. Yet power systems are facing new challenges: the decentralization of production, and the integration of renewable energies, the arrival of "smart grids," and new uses such as the electric vehicle.

An Investment Climate for Climate Investment

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8 months 3 weeks
By Sam Fankhauser (Grantham Research Institute - London School of Economics) - Three factors hold back low-carbon investment in Europe: the risk/return profile of low-carbon investment projects, regulatory and behavioural features in the financial sector and a more global political economy context. These are key issues to create an investment climate for climate investment.

Towards a Low-Carbon Economy - Better Energy, Greater Prosperity

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10 months 2 weeks
The historic Paris Agreement hinges on the average global temperature of our planet increasing no more – and preferably substantially less – than 2° above pre-industrial levels. But to achieve this, the world’s countries are going to have to do far more than they pledged to do in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

European leadership in the energy transition

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8 months 3 weeks
President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement has led to a fragmentation in the US effort to see through the energy transition, with some states supporting it and others remaining committed to intensive fossil fuel use. This predicament presents the European Union with a unique opportunity to become the global leader in green energy technologies.