Policy brief What local recovery after significant job losses? What are the recovery possibilities after significant job losses at the local level? To answer this question both crucial for the population and local officials, we examine employment dynamics at the level of employment zones in France since the 2008-2009 financial crisis, based on the magnitude of job losses during that period. Published on : 05/03/2024 Temps de lecture 2 minutes Employment in areas that experienced significant job losses during the crisis diverged from those with similar characteristics but who were less or not affected. While the initial decline in wage employment averaged 2.7% in 2009 compared to these areas, it was 4.3% in 2019. The estimated multiplier effect is approximately 1.6: the loss of one job during the financial crisis results in 1.6 fewer jobs in 2019. Thus, a significant shock during a short period can leave lasting scars that worsen over the years. Furthermore, the amplification over time of the employment gap between the most affected areas and those less affected is mainly due to a decline in non-industrial employment. Indeed, while the gap for industrial jobs stabilizes from 2010 onwards, the gap for non-industrial employment increases over time. These results remain valid when considering separately the areas that were dynamic before the crisis and those that were losing momentum. However, it appears that the negative employment shock has a greater impact in the former than in the latter. Beyond the average results presented above, it is noted that over half (54%) of the areas heavily impacted by the crisis still have employment in 2019 significantly lower than it would have been without the job destructions of the years 2008-2009. The impact on employment for these areas can be considerable: for half of them, the decrease in employment is greater than 8.8% (compared to areas with comparable dynamics before 2008-2009) and, for a quarter of these areas, it exceeds 10.2%. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur X - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement What local recovery after significant job losses? Read the full document in french PDF - 2 543.2 Ko Download appendix PDF - 1 587.4 Ko Topics Emploi/chômage Inégalités/pauvreté Territoires Published by France Stratégie Authors Elise Boekwa Bonkosi Anne Épaulard Loïc Lahellec Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Les impacts territoriaux du télétravail : angle mort des politiques publiques ? En 2023, 19 % des salariés français, en majorité des cadres, ont eu recours au télétravail, plus fréquent dans les grandes agglomé... Travail Territoires Action publique Note d’analyse 14 November 2024 Immigration in the West and Its Discontents Immigration is arguably one of the most contentious issues today in the West. Even young countries that have been built by newcome... Macroeconomics Inequality/poverty Articles 10 January 2017 Quelles évolutions pour le prochain exercice français de prospective des métiers ? En vue de la préparation du prochain exercice de prospective nationale des métiers et qualifications (fin 2017), France Stratégie ... Emploi/chômage Compétences/métiers Prospective Autres contenus 13 March 2017
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