Policy brief Policy Brief - A Social Compact for Europe: Priorities for actions Breaking with a historical process of convergence, the financial crisis has widened the socioeconomic and employment gaps in Europe, in particular between North and South. This new divergence has revived the debate on the place of social issues in the European integration: should there be common social responses to the crisis? If so, which of these answers should be given preference? Published on : 11/12/2014 Temps de lecture 2 minutes After the progress made in the 1980s and 1990s, “Social Europe” have been “frozen” in the 2000s. The idea of a ‘social compact’ for the European Union and the Eurozone is going back for three main reasons. The first is macroeconomic, in view of persistent imbalances in the Eurozone, while the second refers to the increasing mobility of workers within Europe, which has been a lever for the adjustment of the labour market. However, this greater mobility has been accompanied by tensions, whether in relation to posted workers, social dumping, or fears of youth drain and brain drain. The third reason for the revival of the idea of a “social compact” is political, with pressure on European welfare states as a result of the reduction in public expenditure and the commitment to structural reforms. Given this context, the kind of threat we face - now and in the medium term - is an abandonment of the economic and social catch-up processes (in which each Member State would seek to reduce its debt and increase its competitiveness through ‘social deflation’). Three priorities, associated with courses of action, are to be put upfront if Europeans are to relaunch the convergence process: strengthen the social dimension of the EMU, adapt the European framework to the new age of mobility, and restore the sustainability of the European social model. Priorities for action: An overview Summary: Strengthen the social dimension of the EMU Adapt the European framework to the new age of mobility Restore the sustainability of the European social model Authors: Marine Boisson, Unit Events, partnerships and international affairs and Bruno Palier, CNRS, Senior researcher at the Centre d’études européennes (CEE), Sciences Po Paris; co-director of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policy (LIEPP); scientific advisor to France Stratégie. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement Policy Brief - A Social Compact for Europe: Priorities for actions Download the full document PDF - 1 225.7 Ko Topics Action publique Published by France Stratégie Authors Marine Boisson-Cohen Bruno Palier Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Les impacts territoriaux du télétravail : angle mort des politiques publiques ? En 2023, 19 % des salariés français, en majorité des cadres, ont eu recours au télétravail, plus fréquent dans les grandes agglomé... Travail Territoires Action publique La Note d’analyse 14 November 2024 Séminaire Soutenabilités - Digital: new uses, new questions Although the social, economic, political and geopolitical consequences of the health crisis are only partially visible today, the ... Digital/IA Public action Study 10 February 2021 The EU’s Refugee Crisis The EU is confronted with an unprecedented influx of refugees. France Stratégie policy analyst Cécile Jolly explains the context o... Public Finance Public action Articles 12 May 2016
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