
Working in Public Service: The Challenge of Attractiveness

Fifteen percent of the positions offered in state civil service exams remained unfilled in 2022; 21 percent of APHP beds were closed that same year – with 70 percent of these closures due to staffing shortages – and 64 percent of local authorities reported at least one professional area under strain in 2023. These figures serve as early warning signals: public service no longer seems to attract enough dedicated professionals to ensure the quality and continuity of all public services nationwide.

Published on : 09/12/2024

Temps de lecture

6 minutes

Although public service has long grappled with challenges in attracting the personnel it needs, the crisis of attractiveness that has been unfolding over the past decade is of a new nature and magnitude. It is likely to persist – and may even worsen – in the years ahead.

Yet, this situation is not inevitable. An analysis of the various determinants of this crisis reveals that public service possesses valuable assets that can be further enhanced and mobilized to overcome this challenge.

This analysis, conducted over an eighteen‐month period by France Stratégie, sends a dual message. On one hand, it warns us that we are facing a deep-rooted, structural, and enduring crisis that threatens our public services. On the other, it calls for action, highlighting several levers that can be employed to restore the attractiveness of public service.

Several initiatives have already been launched to boost the appeal of public service as a whole – and certain professions in particular. The next step is to go further by constructing a comprehensive strategy for enhancing attractiveness. While the precise measures to be implemented fall under the responsibility of the relevant ministries, a few broad methodological orientations can be proposed to guide this effort.

First and foremost, it is essential to integrate all identified levers – image, recognition, career development, remuneration, job quality, and working conditions – in crafting a comprehensive strategy. Such a strategy should combine immediate measures with medium-term perspectives, address the entire spectrum of public service, and include tailored approaches for different sectors and professions.

To make these careers appealing once again, public policy must address both tangible realities and public perceptions by combining:

• a narrative that revalues public service – one that recognizes both the diversity and specificity of its various branches, missions, and professions, and reaffirms its core meaning as the service of the general interest in a changing society;
• initiatives aimed at better showcasing the advantages of public service, dismantling misconceptions, and enhancing transparency regarding working conditions and career prospects;
• efforts to strengthen the attractive features of public service by combining job security with opportunities for career progression, promoting flexibility in managing work time and organization to meet the growing demand for work-life balance, and reinforcing recognition  – including in terms of remuneration – to empower employees to perform effectively and fulfill their desire to be of service.

Ultimately, the success of this endeavor depends on involving public service employees and their representatives, drawing on their commitment to serve and their innovative proposals for overcoming this challenge.

Note: This summary is based on France Stratégie (2024), Working in Public Service: The Challenge of Attractiveness, report, December.


Antoine Naboulet

Directeur par intérim, Département Travail, Emploi, Compétences




France Stratégie. (2024, décembre). Travailler dans la fonction publique. Le défi de l’attractivité : rapport (465 pages). France Stratégie.
France Stratégie. Travailler dans la fonction publique. Le défi de l’attractivité : rapport. Décembre 2024, France Stratégie, 465 p.
ISO 690
FRANCE STRATÉGIE. Travailler dans la fonction publique. Le défi de l’attractivité : rapport. [S.l.]: France Stratégie, 2024, décembre, 465 p.
APA - Synthèse
Prouet, E., Barasz, J., & Maigne, G. (2024, décembre). Travailler dans la fonction publique. Le défi de l’attractivité [Note de synthèse] (12 pages). France Stratégie.
MLA - Synthèse
Prouet, E., J. Barasz, and G. Maigne. Travailler dans la fonction publique. Le défi de l’attractivité. France Stratégie, Note de synthèse, décembre 2024, 12 p.
ISO 690 - Synthèse
PROUET, E.; BARASZ, J.; MAIGNE, G. Travailler dans la fonction publique. Le défi de l’attractivité. Note de synthèse. [S.l.]: France Stratégie, 2024, décembre, 12 p.

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