Executive summary Socio-economic evaluation of social investment Socio-economic calculation has long been used in France to evaluate transport infrastructure projects. Since 2013, it has been made mandatory for all public civil investments of more than €20 million. To what extent can it be extended to policies recorded as operating expenses but similar to a "social" investment? Published on : 19/11/2019 Temps de lecture 2 minutes Social investment refers to policies that aim at fostering human capital accumulation or preservation for their beneficiaries. The concept can be applied to markedly different policies such as early childhood education and care, reducing class size, preventing high-school dropout, youth protection, support, and training for job seekers or access to health coverage. The application of socio-economic calculation to social investment, currently very limited, would be especially useful because these policies can be quickly reconfigured based on evaluation results ; this is not the case for a physical public investment (a school, a hospital, a road, a prison, etc.). France Stratégie publishes a report on this issue, with two main conclusions : There are no structural obstacles to applying socio-economic calculation methods to social investment. Precisely like an infrastructure project, a social investment affects society over a distant horizon - and for some non-monetary outcomes – that must be monetized and discounted. The application of socio-economic calculation to social investments faces the difficulty of estimating the gross effects of these policies, even before monetization and discounting. Often diffuse and heterogeneous within populations, these effects can often prove more complicated to anticipate than the impact, say, of a new transport infrastructure. This difficulty can lead to the promotion of field randomized trials, and the generalization of longitudinal data for beneficiary populations to improve knowledge of the long-term effects of social investment policies. It is also desirable to conduct systematic literature reviews to identify the effects recorded for similar policies, as well as to carry out meta-analyses to calibrate the parameters of simulations necessary for a socio-economic assessment. From now on, education policies are among the most invested fields, certainly the richest in quality evaluations both in France and abroad. These would benefit from being supplemented by socio-economic assessments, which requires the development of a methodological guide that proposes specific reference monetization values. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement Socio-economic evaluation of social investment Read the synthesis (in french) PDF - 1 118.2 Ko Read the full document (in french) PDF - 3 771.6 Ko Topics Protection sociale Évaluation Published by France Stratégie Authors Arthur Heim Denis Fougère Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More 2024 Work Programme France Stratégie's 2024 work programme is structured around three key directions: a successful ecological planning; enabling the d... Evaluation Foresight Strategy Articles 17 April 2024 Quel modèle social dans 10 ans? Le modèle social français a accompagné le développement économique et social de notre pays et demeure une composante centrale de n... Protection sociale Prospective Note d’analyse 26 September 2013 Sous-traitance confiée, performances productives et risques Pour analyser les relations entre sous-traitance confiée et performances productives des firmes, nous proposons un modèle à trois ... Industrie Productivité Évaluation Document de travail 13 January 2014
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