
Opinion of the evaluation committee on capital tax reforms

The Committee for the Evaluation of Capital Tax Reforms was set up in December 2018-one year after the launch of the major renovation of capital taxation carried out by the government and approved by the legislature.

Published on : 30/09/2019

Temps de lecture

1 minute

The reform introduced a single flat-rate tax (PFU) on savings income, and replaced the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF) with a tax refocused on real estate wealth (IFI). In addition, the reduction in corporation tax (CIT), designed to complement these transformations, has been programmed over the entire five-year period

The committee's work, therefore, began at a time when it was not possible to produce a full ex-post evaluation of the reforms simply because these will take years to yield fully the fruits expected of them. When it started work, the Committee had no statistical information on the initial effects of the reform.

This is why the committee sought in this first report to "set the scene" to launch an ex-post evaluation process under the right conditions, conceived as a progressive and cumulative exercise, which will only deliver solid conclusions over several years.

From this first exploration of the subject, the committee learned the following lessons.




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