Appel à projet terminé

Call for research projects – Expected effects of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty’s health-related measures: a literature review

The Evaluation Committee of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty, steered by France Stratégie and chaired by Louis Schweitzer, issues a call for research projects.

Published on : 29/10/2020

Mis à jour le : 03/01/2025

Evaluation of the poverty strategy: launch of a call for research projects

Set up in September 2019, the Evaluation Committee, composed of associations fighting against poverty, qualified personalities and researchers, drawing on public administrations and organizations, and consulting the college of people in poverty or in a precarious situation of the CNLE and a panel of citizens, is in charge of evaluating the effects of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty.

The National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty was presented on September 13, 2018 by the French President Emmanuel Macron. It is made up of a large number of measures based on two distinct axes: preventing reproduction of poverty through acting for children and providing support for employment.

The Evaluation Committee's progress report published in March 2020 sets out the main thrusts of the evaluation process, the methods under consideration and the timetable for the work to be carried out.

The committee decided that the evaluation would have a dual strategic and analytical dimension and that it would be carried out at two levels:

  • Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy's measures and evaluating their effects. The committee identified thirty-five measures, which it classified into five public policies areas: early childhood and education - health - support, training and employment - housing - and social rights.
  • Evaluating the national strategy as a whole with respect to the major objectives targeted by the Strategy and selected by the committee: to prevent the intergenerational transmission of poverty, to enable people to move out of poverty, and to leave no one in deep poverty.

The committee wishes to deepen the knowledge on the link between health and poverty in order to evaluate the health-related measures of the Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty. This is the purpose of this call for research projects.

Research axis of the call for research projects

The evaluation committee identified five concrete health-related measures in the Strategy. To assess their effects on poverty, the evaluation committee raises the following questions:

  • What effects can be expected from the Strategy’s health-related measures?
  • What are the lessons learned from existing evaluations of schemes that are close to the Strategy’s measures with regard to their effects on poverty?

The research work will comprise three parts which are detailed in the call for research projects.

It comprises a single step which consists in selecting the projects to be funded among the detailed proposals of the research teams.

Key date

Closing date for submission of detailed proposals: Monday 09 November 2020 at 2 pm (Paris time).

Documents to download

Call for research projects – Expected effects of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty’s health-related measures: a literature review - Issues and themes (PDF - 254.7 Ko)

Call for research projects – Expected effects of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty’s health-related measures: a literature review - Regulations for the call (PDF - 288.17 Ko)

Call for research projects – Expected effects of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty’s health-related measures: a literature review - Financial appendix (XLS - 149.5 Ko)

Call for research projects – Expected effects of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Fight against Poverty’s health-related measures: a literature review - Presentation of the applicant organization (PDF - 66.46 Ko)

Appendix 12 - The expected effects of the measures on early childhood care and education: a causal chain (PDF - 179.59 Ko)

Appendix 13 - The expected effects of the measures on early childhood care and education: some elements of literature (PDF - 242.72 Ko)
