Work Programme 2024

France Stratégie's 2024 work programme is structured around three key directions: a successful ecological planning; enabling the development of a productive economy moving towards full employment; and leading a renewed public action towards a fairer society.

Published on : 17/04/2024

Mis à jour le : 10/12/2024

Over half of our resources are devoted to missions assigned by the French Government. The rest of our work is developed in close cooperation with our ecosystem – administrations and social partners – with a constant effort to rely on France Stratégie's added value. In particular, our interministerial positioning and the wide-ranging composition of our teams encourage us to give priority to subjects that combine different angles and expertise.

The prospective approach to our work will remain important in 2024, with the missions carried out at the request of the French Government on water needs and reindustrialisation by 2035, studies we are conducting on the attractiveness crisis of public sector jobs, and studies devoted to land use efficiency and reducing land artificialisation.
